Afraid to put on your bikini this summer? Lose weight by reducing your stress level!
The coming of March rings a big bell for women. We start thinking about the summer vacation, the cottage we're going to rent, the quality time we're going to spend with the kids and boom! We suddenly think about what we're going to look like on the beach in our beautiful bikini. We have to lose weight.
The panic button is activated
This is how our alert process is triggered. So we start counting the number of weeks we have left to get back into shape. Of course, we're hoping for a late summer so that gives us more time! But our reason is catching up with us: there are exactly 12 weeks left until June.
This is where the calculations begin. 15 pounds divided by 12 weeks = 1.25 pounds to lose per week. I really wish that was in your head right now because I'm sure that you have already done this calculation too, or that you are doing it right now!
Stress = fat
Attention! With such an attitude, you could indeed gain a few extra pounds. Studies show that cortisol, the stress hormone, makes you gain weight. The fact is that we are programmed to react to stressful situations. In the past, this meant the constant threat of coming face to face with a predator. This was followed by a rise in cortisol and adrenaline levels. This rapid surplus of energy therefore enabled us to run as quickly as possible so as not to be devoured whole.
Today, stress is experienced on a daily basis. The threat is therefore not felt occasionally as in the case of the escape of a predator, but constantly. This leads to an increase in cortisol which, in turn, raises blood sugar levels. And what happens next Insulin levels rise and sugar is stored as fat..
Accept yourself as you are
That's why stressing about getting into your bikini won't solve your problem. Instead, take the opposite approach. Instead of stressing, accept yourself as you are. Adopt a meditation program, make sure you get restful sleep, and foster a caring attitude toward yourself.
Do yourself good
Those who work in the field of health, beauty and well-being know how much good a good detoxifying treatment, a mud bath and the application of good creams do to the body. Add essential oils on top of it all and your mind will be invigorated!
To act
It may sound cliché, but true beauty comes from within. There is nothing more beautiful than a woman who feels good about herself. So, if feeling good about yourself involves a fitness program. Do it! If it means losing a few pounds. So try to reduce your sugar consumption and increase your fiber intake! Drink a lot of water! The magic will happen by itself. No need to put pressure on yourself.
Getting help from nature
You can also let nature do some of the work for you. Phytotherapy helps the organs function better and makes it easier to eliminate accumulated toxins. At the topical level, caffeine has proven to be an essential active ingredient in slimming products. Among other benefits, it activates the destruction of fats and reduces water retention.
Destroy fat with massage therapy
In massage therapy, the techniques of kneading, palpation-rolling, friction and crushing will, initially, help to dissociate the fatty deposits. Secondly, a slower and gentler phase will have the effect of draining the waste generated by the destruction of fat through palpation-rolling and deep sliding pressure. Add a slimming serum and this treatment will make you feel light as air!
Achieve your goals with happiness and joy
As you can see, there are different gentle and natural methods to achieve your bikini goal. Please do them in an attitude of well-being and joy. Love yourself as you are first and set realistic and fun goals. And above all, don't forget that stress is your enemy!