experience boreale montage boite huile essentielle
experience boréale montage boite huile essentielle


Boreal experience - 5 essential oils


Discover our Experience Boréal essential oil set and get ready for a trip to our northern forests!

These essential oils are ideal for providing a warm and comforting winter atmosphere to your clients during your treatments or simply to make your home more inviting and comfortable.

Contents of the collection

  • Cypress
  • Black Spruce
  • Pine
  • Hemlock
  • Balsam Fir

42893093699753///5 x 15ml:0|

42893093699753///5 x 15ml:0|45456948166825///5 x 15ml (pro):0|

42893093699753///5 x 15ml:0|45456948166825///5 x 15ml (pro):0|45456948265129///5 x 15ml (pro) 12+:0|

42893093699753///5 x 15ml:0|45456948166825///5 x 15ml (pro):0|45456948265129///5 x 15ml (pro) 12+:0|45456948297897///5 x 15ml (pro) 24+:0|

7698122932393///Boreal experience - 5 essential oils:$67.25|