Huile essentielle menthe poivrée 15ml
  • Huile essentielle menthe poivrée 15ml
  • Huile essentielle menthe poivrée 15ml
  • Huile essentielle de Menthe poivrée 50ml
  • Huile essentielle menthe poivrée 250ml
  • Huile essentielle de Menthe poivrée 3 formats


Peppermint Essential Oil


Peppermint : the menthol it contains has an analgesic action (pain relievers) that acts on pain receptors. It thus causes immediate subcutaneous vasoconstriction, which is the source of its cooling effect. Mint is used externally to relieve joint and inflammatory pain. Rarely used pure, except for one to two drops for certain neuralgias, it often composes multiple pain relief formulations for topical use.


Peppermint : the menthol it contains has an analgesic action (pain relievers) that acts on pain receptors. It thus causes immediate subcutaneous vasoconstriction, which is the source of its cooling effect. Mint is used externally to relieve joint and inflammatory pain. Rarely used pure, except for one to two drops for certain neuralgias, it often composes multiple pain relief formulations for topical use.





45456930734249///15 ml (pro):0|

45456930734249///15 ml (pro):0|45456930767017///15 ml (pro) 12+:0|

45456930734249///15 ml (pro):0|45456930767017///15 ml (pro) 12+:0|45456930832553///15 ml (pro) 24+:0|

45456930734249///15 ml (pro):0|45456930767017///15 ml (pro) 12+:0|45456930832553///15 ml (pro) 24+:0|45456930963625///50 ml (pro):0|

45456930734249///15 ml (pro):0|45456930767017///15 ml (pro) 12+:0|45456930832553///15 ml (pro) 24+:0|45456930963625///50 ml (pro):0|45456930996393///50 ml (pro) 12+:0|

45456930734249///15 ml (pro):0|45456930767017///15 ml (pro) 12+:0|45456930832553///15 ml (pro) 24+:0|45456930963625///50 ml (pro):0|45456930996393///50 ml (pro) 12+:0|45456931029161///50 ml (pro) 24+:0|

45456930734249///15 ml (pro):0|45456930767017///15 ml (pro) 12+:0|45456930832553///15 ml (pro) 24+:0|45456930963625///50 ml (pro):0|45456930996393///50 ml (pro) 12+:0|45456931029161///50 ml (pro) 24+:0|45456931225769///250 ml (pro):0|

45456930734249///15 ml (pro):0|45456930767017///15 ml (pro) 12+:0|45456930832553///15 ml (pro) 24+:0|45456930963625///50 ml (pro):0|45456930996393///50 ml (pro) 12+:0|45456931029161///50 ml (pro) 24+:0|45456931225769///250 ml (pro):0|45456931356841///250 ml (pro) 12+:0|

45456930734249///15 ml (pro):0|45456930767017///15 ml (pro) 12+:0|45456930832553///15 ml (pro) 24+:0|45456930963625///50 ml (pro):0|45456930996393///50 ml (pro) 12+:0|45456931029161///50 ml (pro) 24+:0|45456931225769///250 ml (pro):0|45456931356841///250 ml (pro) 12+:0|45456931422377///250 ml (pro) 24+:0|